A Holistic Health Clinic

focusing entirely on you

Hello and welcome to The Clinic at Queen Camel's official website.
For those of you who are visiting us for the first time, you may be asking yourself who are we? and what do we do?
To begin with, we are a Holistic Clinic, and our aim is to help you achieve the best physical and mental health that we can help you grasp.
As a Holistic Clinic we do not expect you to come to us and have us treat your individual issues. But instead we focus on the bigger picture, and how we can not only help what's hurting you now, but look to the future and work as allies to keep you healthy and happy.
We ask you to picture your body like a car. When it’s fresh and new you rarely have to worry about small issues, bumos and scratches or even a small dent here or there. But as I’m sure you already know the best way to keep a car is healthy, clean, and looked after well.
And if you do put this much effort into maintaing what is simply a mode of transport that can be replaced then you should absolutely be giving the same ammount of care and attention to your body and mind. Here at the Clinic at Queen Camel we will not only help you take the reccomended steps to heal and recover but also to become stronger and improve. We don’t simply want you to be healthy, we want you to be in perfect working condition!

To find out more about the services we provide, or how to get in touch please...
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