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I inherited my fondness for witty and novel turns of thought and phraseology from my lovely Dad. One which he used to relate with relish was this…

“It has been proved that, aerodynamically, it is impossible for a bumblebee to fly.
But bumblebees are ignorant about aerodynamics so they just go ahead and fly anyway.”

This describes my approach to my own health
and to my work through nearly twenty years mentoring fellow cancer trekkers.

I believe in hope. Hope is vital. Nothing in the world is achieved without hope.
For if your hope is snuffed out by an expert who tells you that there is no possibility of a good outcome – right there and right then you stop living. Because life is hope. Without hope there is merely existence.

I am not a violent woman but when my clients tell me of insensitive clods in white coats who presume to tell them that they have no hope, my palms itch to give that white-coated individual a good slapping!

I have learned perforce to defy doctors and find my own path. And, so far, my results have been remarkable. Of one thing I am sure, no doctor will never again be permitted to define my life or its span. I will die when I am good and ready and not before and, until then,
I am living every day as it comes,
full of wonder and gratitude that it just keeps getting more and more interesting and exciting.

Thanks Dad.

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